
Press releases:

VTT received decommissioning licence for research reactor
Used fuel from VTT’s research reactor set for further use in USA
VTT and Fortum join forces to decommission a research reactor and laboratory
VTT and its partners are developing nuclear power plant decommissioning into a business


EcoSMR and dECOmm final seminar 23.11.2022

Presentations available on EcoSMR website

Nuclear Energy Ecosystems – Open Business Day 3.-4.5.2022

̶   Building nuclear energy future together   ̶

This face-to-face event will bring together companies interested in building nuclear energy business together. We will discuss nuclear energy collaboration, co-innovation and business opportunities in Nordic countries, Europe and beyond. The themes of the event include SMRs, fusion energy and nuclear decommissioning opportunities.

The event is organized by VTT and jointly funded by Business Finland co-innovation projects EcoSMR, dECOmm and ECO-Fusion.

Open Business Day 2022 website

DigiDecom 2021 DIGITAL  – 23.-25.3.2021

An online event focusing on innovation within nuclear decommissioning, robotics and other game-changing trends in nuclear decommissioning, dismantling and waste management.

more info

Open Business Day – 8 September 2020

VTT and FinNuclear Association arranged the first dECOmm project open online event regarding Nuclear Power Plant decommissioning. The event brought together over 150 people from companies and research organisations to discuss business opportunities in nuclear power plant decommissioning market.

Recording and more info