VTT and FinNuclear Association arranged the first dECOmm project open online event regarding Nuclear Power Plant decommissioning on 8 September 2020. The event brought together over 150 people from companies and research organisations to discuss business opportunities in nuclear power plant decommissioning market.
We had keynote speakers from real decommissioning projects and case stories from dECOmm ecosystem companies. In the afternoon we had three roundtable discussions.
Blog: dECOmm Open Business Day – future decommissioning is high-tech teamwork
Program 2020:
Session I
Welcome and introduction of dECOmm ecosystem, Tapani Ryynänen, VTT
Opening, Marjut Vähänen, FinNuclear Association
Decommissioning project keynotes
- István Szőke, Institute for Energy Technology IFE, Halden, Norway
- Andrius Vysniauskas, Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant INPP, Lithuania
- Markus Airila, FiR1 & OK3, VTT, Finland
- Andreas Gunnarsson, GEH
dECOmm companies’ case stories
- Otso Manninen, Fortum, Finland
- Katja Sipilä, Sweco, Finland
- Timo Palomäki, TVONS, Finland
Summary of the morning session, Tapani Ryynänen, VTT
Session II: Roundtable discussions
Opening of roundtables, Marjut Vähänen, FinNuclear Association
Presentation of roundtables
Roundtable discussions, All
- Players and their roles in the decommissioning market
- Chairs: Erika Holt/ VTT, Otso Manninen/Fortum, Timo Palomäki/TVONS
- 8D model as a solution
- Chairs: Markus Airila/VTT, Katja Sipilä/Sweco
- Automatisation in demolition brings value – but how?
- Chairs: Karoliina Salminen/VTT, Nikolas Ruotsalainen/Delete, Mikko Siuko, VTT
Closing words
More information:
+358 40 733 0048.
dECOmm is a co-innovation project coordinated by VTT that combines research and business projects. It is funded by Business Finland, the participating companies and VTT. The project is building a company ecosystem that offers services for nuclear power plant decommissioning. The project carries out widespread research in the fields of technology and business, supporting the research and development carried out inside the companies. The participating companies include several key actors with the ability to combine the services offered by the network into packages that serve the customers’ needs.